Loved reading this, another great chapter! What I’ve read so far sounds like it would make a cracking book all about your journey and experiences.

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Thanks, we asked a literary agent but they said there wouldn’t be a call for it.

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Jun 30Liked by Vanilla Black

Just like no call for feeding vegetarians …

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Bollox. Gather the newsletters, then edit and curate into a book and self publish. Or try Unbound. https://unbound.com/

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Interesting, thanks

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Found you via Foodstack. Brilliant. When you open your next branch, consider Worthing? We're sick of buffalo cauliflower wings around here and longing for proper adult food.

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Thanks Caroline, yes, I completely understand. Some things don’t change.

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Great recipe! will give this a go when I next cook a curry.

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Thanks Andy, it’s a good cowboy trick.

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I agree. It would make a good book!

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Thanks, you’re the best

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Ah the days of wandering and looking and when Pret was a fancy treat.

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Funny how time changes things so quickly

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Yep. Try explaining the analogue google search to a gen Z.

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Haha, don’t think I could

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Loving the story so far. Sounds like a doddle! 😉

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Thanks Matt, yea, dead easy.

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